Having conquered the challenge of home music mostly successfully*, on to the next challenge. I’d like a personal dashboard that pulls various feeds – from WaPo headlines, the Suicide Basin hydrograph, our home solar panel generation, Continental Divide GPS map, our seismic and infrasound sensors, etc.. I’m thinking this may be a job for beautiful soup and python to get the updates (some requiring logins, etc) and pull together the information. I haven’t looked at generating dashboards in a while, so this is a good excuse to dust off those neurons.
*I wanted something that I could upload our collection to (including shows from friends that I’ve recorded, all our purchased CDs, etc) and stream to Carrie and me on multiple devices. I’d prefer free, open source, and non-spyware but I was about to get sent out to the doghouse. I tried google music (fails the spyware, and free, and open-source, and also it doesn’t work – I can’t share my uploads with others in my family). It has to work on my Linux box, so Apple music is out (and I also can’t upload and share). I tried google, uploaded music, and found out I can’t share. For now, we settled on Amazon Music unlimited. We’re already a family Prime member, so this wasn’t too bad. We can’t upload our own music still, but it is better than nothing (and better than google or Apple for now). Not ideal, but the best compromise I could find so far.