Science 02018/04/13 highlights

Quick Note: Hard to find planets around Alpha Centauri – triple star system (the Three Body Problem) – one planet around red dwarf, but likely others we can’t see..

Disaster resiliency agent based models – DOE Labs briefly mentioned

Topological Superconducting

Machine-Learning prediction of C-N reaction cross-coupling – promising

Blueprint for Quantum Suprmacy (a plan/path to see if Quantum Computing is worth it..)

(Nano)porous graphene production (bottom up synthesis, w/ annealing)

Raspberry Shake

Happy times in pi land.

I helped fund the Raspberry Shake personal seismograph kickstarter and we received ours last night.  The setup was no problem and we are streaming the data out for integration into a global seismic monitoring network.  There is a known issues with the wifi on the pi in this first distribution of the software.  I imagine it is high priority and I don’t want to break ours, so I’m not going to fight it on my own.  I’ve got an ethernet cable to the pi sitting on the brick fireplace for now.  Once wifi works, the seismometer will go down in the cellar on the concrete pad.  For now, check us out!

I opted for the custom 3-d printed case for the shake:

dll hell will never go away

despite the best intentions, dll hell sticks with us all. I’m working on the python discord module on a fresh raspberry pi install. I’ve got python 3.4 goodness going. really wants 3.5. Of course, I make the modifications at the FAQ and… it doesn’t work. apt-get doesn’t want to offer me a python-3.5 install.  The more things change (raspberry pi, discord, python), the more they stay the same..

Raspberry Pi

I’m afraid I’m almost becoming addicted! I have three so far, but need more raspberry pi. I have one catching and pushing the glacier photos at Mendenhall Glacier Visitor’s Center (both at an site and Weather Underground). I have a second pi for the UAS weather station (waiting for a roof to be done so the weather station can be re-deployed). A third one is at home — for fun and currently over-tasked. I have an alamode (extra sweet!) and have the integrated arduino doing blink and other various things. It is also running mpd and icecast to stream media through the house. And running munin. And I need to setup a second openvpn network for all the pi’s! It isn’t even running apache yet, but I did get emacs and python pretty well souped up. I think I need one just for media server, another for met station and web server.
