Dancing on Iceburgs

Between the skatepark and dinner, Matt and Torsten had about 20 minutes to kill, so we went out to Mendenhall and pulled a few iceburgs out of the lake..

From Torsten, Iceburg, Glacier Sept 26 2009

We especially enjoyed this “double headed” iceburg:

From Torsten, Iceburg, Glacier Sept 26 2009

and we learned about “don’t kiss the iceburg!”

From Torsten, Iceburg, Glacier Sept 26 2009

NOT really!!! We were busy eating some of the ice and talking about making snow cones with it… It is wet and warm enough (Mendenhall is a temperate glacier afterall) that I don’t think you could get your tongue to stick to it. But maybe we’ll try again in January. 🙂

Family Camp

Back on Labor Day weekend, we went out to family camp at Echo Cove Ranch/Berner’s Bay. What great fun!

From Family Camp

From Family Camp

It was really fun to see friends there:

From Family Camp

And we had a fantastic sunset and campfire with smores

From Family Camp

We did the ~two mile hike, and going to camp was great:

From Family Camp

From Family Camp

And the hike back out started out well enough

From Family Camp

but after all the fun of camp, and with a perfect mis-timing so we went out right at high tide, the hike out got a bit long..

From Family Camp

Here’s the full

Family Camp


Lemon Creek Glacier Dash

We took a quick two hour flight up Lemon Creek Glacier (we being Mike Hekkers, Shea Mack, Dave Sauer, Nick Korzen, and Matt). We had to hustle to squeeze in GPSing all of Marijke’s velocity markers and pull out the pressure transducer. Fantastic weather for the trip!

From Lemon20090914

From Lemon20090914

From Lemon20090914

Here’s the highlights gallery:

First Day of Kindergarten

It was Torsten’s first day of Kindergarten. He was happy to see a few friends in his class, and lots of friends out on the playground. He immediately took to his teacher, and it seemed to be all around positive.

Running into friends out front, before even going in:

From First Day of Kindergarten

Adam’s in my class!!!!!

From First Day of Kindergarten

Maile’s in my class, and we have two pet rats for the class!!

From First Day of Kindergarten

Building block ramps for cars:

From First Day of Kindergarten

And of course, we love mom!

From First Day of Kindergarten

Here’s the whole album:

I am Aukeman

OK, not really, I’m not THE Aukeman, but I finished the first Aukeman Triathlon. It was so much fun!! I think (by virtue of no other UAS faculty participating) that I was the fastest UAS faculty to finish!

Thanks to Tracy and John for making it happen. Thanks to Sherry and Bob for lifeguarding, thanks to Cathy for helping a newby figure out triathlon “zone etiquette” and how to avoid getting run over in the mass swim start, thanks to Carrie, Torsten, and Rob for cheering and supporting, thanks to Nathan for the loaner wet-suit. I had a blast and I’m looking for the next triathlon!

From Aukeman Triathlon

And here I am, preparing (along with about 60 other participants) to get in the Auke Lake for the swim start.

From Aukeman Triathlon

The whole race, Carrie, Torsten, and I would keep singing, “I am Auke man, duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh….” 🙂