Do you see what I see (its a glacier!)

the view from Matt's glasses

I like this photo–someone actually said I may have an ounce of artistic skill (I think it is just a lot of artistic license that I’ve taken!). Actually, it is just luck–that’s why I take so many photos. Anyway, I went up Mendenhall Glacier yesterday to try and do some mass balance work–the ablation wires are in (but that was what Eran, Logan, and Regina did). I had no luck finding the magnets–I like to think it was because of so much snow–there definitely was a lot.

If you need to go through a gallery of photos, they are at

blog, gallery, and comments

Matt here.  I broke the photo gallery.  I did an upgrade to version 2.2.something, so that I could add videos directly to the gallery, now it doesn’t work.  I hope to get it fixed tonight!  I’ve also heard from a few people that I should fix comments–I was getting approximately 10 “Spam” comments per day and got sick of it, so I added the “spam filter” (do an easy math problem) and that wasn’t quite working right.  So I’ll put getting comments working correctly up on the list of things to do.  While I’m hacking away on these things, I’ll let you enjoy at least one new picture of the family.. We went up the tram with Chip, Missy, and Adelie last Sat–lots of snow still up there!  Hopefully the gallery will be fixed and more pictures will follow!

Look at them Buns!

Matt was in Fairadise, and it happened to be opening weekend (on Friday morning) for Buns on the Run!  This is a trailer that is setup in the summer in the Beaver Sports parking lot on College Road that sells Cinnamon Rolls and other yummy breakfasts (and good sandwiches for lunch).  Matt noticed that they opened at 7 am on Friday (he was in Fairbanks Wed-Sat), so he got there at about 6:50 am.  He was third in line to get the first buns of the season.  Wahoo!

Apologies to Johnny, Ryan, and all frisbee players for the title of this post.

Last Kindermusick of Spring 2007

Torsten and Matt generally went to Kindermusick on Wed evenings the Fall and Spring 2007.  Torsten sometimes didn’t want to leave mom behind, but he generally had a blast with Miss Bernie and music.  Carrie took Torsten to the last class of the spring (Matt was in Fairbanks), and she remembered to take the camera.  If you want, check the whole gallery.  Carter and Torsten knew that stripes were in, I guess.  I’ll add the movies soon!


Talus Tiles!

Carrie now has space for Talus Tiles at the Juneau Artists Gallery! WAHOO! She’s got the kiln cranking almost continuously (ok, slight exaggeration) to prepare for the installation into her space, and she’ll be the “Featured Artist” in June (for the first Friday gallery walk).

Beach Hike

We went out to Boy Scout Beach with Chip, Missy, and Adelie two weeks ago.  It was a great day–parts of the trail still had really deep snow, while other parts were melted off completely.  The wind off the ocean was a bit chilly, so we found a tree sheltered area for our picnic.  If the pictures below aren’t more than enough, there’s the gallery, as usual.