This was cool.. Last Saturday at the Terryaki dinner, Torsten opened up his fortune cookie:
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From Torsten's Fortune |
His immediate reaction was that it will be his new sibling!! Fantastic!
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This was cool.. Last Saturday at the Terryaki dinner, Torsten opened up his fortune cookie:
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From Torsten's Fortune |
His immediate reaction was that it will be his new sibling!! Fantastic!
A busy week wrapped up on Thursday, we all met in the Bay area (Wed night, actually, but Matt was busy with a “Earth and Space Science Applications of Sensor Networks” workshop on Thurs). We went to Pinole to spend some great time with Tom, Laura, and Waylon (and start getting our dose of Vitamin D)–wooohoo!!! On Friday, we hung out in Pinole, then drove down to Monterey, and visited the aquarium with Tom and Waylon.
From California Day 1 |
From California Day 1 |
From California Day 1 |
From California Day 1 |
From California Day 1 |
Great times, here’s some more photos..
Ahh.. The sunshine, the surf, the beach.. Here’s the happy family photos (friends and more coming up soon..)
From Family at Monterey |
From Family at Monterey |
From Family at Monterey |
Veerrry tiring!!!
From Family at Monterey |
Torsten’s first day “riding a two-wheeler”! Matt and Torsten practiced in the garage (Matt practiced the unicycle, Torsten the bicycle, no training wheels). Torsten got it in about 5 minutes (with all the practice on the push bike a Jodie’s–thanks!!). Then we rode for about 45 minutes, and went to Douglas for the first Tee-Ball (or T-Ball) practice with Coach Mike (who seems great with the kids!!). We got there 30 minutes early, so Torsten biked all around some more. Then after Tee-ball we went and ate some Terriyaki and then biked over to the Juneau Artists Gallery. We called Carrie to come out and see us approach, and Torsten got his wish of completely suprising her with his bike riding skills! Then Matt and Torsten went down to the cruise ship docks (no cruise ships for 4 more days) and rode the bike for another 30 minutes or so..
From Torsten's Big Day |
You can check out the short photo gallery from today..
We had a fantastic Easter weekend. The weather on Sunday was quite nice. Saturday we went to the egg hunt at UAS (lots and lots of eggs hidden!). On Sunday we went up for closing day at Eaglecrest (hard to believe it is closing time, there is still over 4 meters of snow at the snow study site, and good snow all the way down the mountain! This winter was the third snowiest Juneau winter on record.) Torsten was pretty good at chasing the tricky rabbit down the hill!
Torsten (in blue) says “I’ll get you wrascally wrabbit!”
From Eaglecrest (Last Day of the Season) |
Chasing the rabbit:
From Eaglecrest (Last Day of the Season) |
Catching the rabbit (I think that is Gage, a friend from ABC last year, in orange):
From Eaglecrest (Last Day of the Season) |
Waiting with the 5 year olds to go start searching for eggs down the hill:
From Eaglecrest (Last Day of the Season) |
Here’s the whole album:
Springtime, Easter, New Birth, etc.. Carrie’s about three months into a new pregnancy–we’re all ecstatic, and Torsten is very excited to become a big brother!
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From Number 2 |
What a celebration!! The party was at the skate park, and Torsten is getting to be quite the skater! Carrie made a delicious cake. Matt tried to to some filming, so here are two movies:
From Torsten Birthday Party |
From Torsten Birthday Party |
From Torsten Birthday Party |
And here’s the whole gallery as a slideshow:
The best kind of cake–earth worm dirt cake!! Yum! (This was about 5 weeks ago, a team effort between Carrie and Torsten that we took to a math candidates potluck dinner. I think we impressed the candidate with fine Juneau cuisine!)
From Torsten Makes Mud Cake! |