We had a fantastic weekend! It started with no work for Matt on Friday (always a good start) so a nice celebration of Carrie’s birthday with lunch at the Cowgirl, a wander through the Georgia O’Keefe museum, and a babysitter and movie for Matt & Carrie (Moonlight Kingdom, we loved it!). On Saturday it was the Los Alamos rodeo — between the parade and the fun downtown, we didn’t even make it to the animal part of the rodeo!! And we capped it off with climbing with friends in the Jemez on Sunday. Yeah!
The intrepid gang explores the mighty Ashley Pond:

The bouncy water-slide was perfect for the hot day:

Matt sat on the platform while Torsten hit the target to put dad in the dunk tank (again, the water felt so good on the hot day!) — no pictures, sorry..
On the way to the craft market, we wandered by — tie dye, flowers, Oppenheimer, and Groves..